GDR ChemBio 2024 organized @ IECB, Bordeaux, France - June 2024

GDR ChemBio 2024 dinner in Bordeaux, France - June 2024

Peter Seeberger's Talk @ RICT2024, Bordeaux, France - July 2024

Tarek and Luka at the RICT2024, Bordeaux, France - July 2024

Guilhem is the king of the year "Galette des Rois" - January 2024

Frederic's Talk @ Société Chimique de France GSO in Bordeaux, France - February 2024

Lucile's leaving party - March 2024

End of semester course in Organic Chemistry to 1st year undergraduate students (international group) at the University of Bordeaux - May 2024


Eurocarb21 at "la maison de la Chimie", Paris, France - July 2023 

Lunch break at Eurocarb21, Paris, France - July 2023 

Zoeisha's talk @ SMR-SIN joint department event, Bordeaux - November 2023 

End of Organic Labs to 2nd year undergraduate students - University of Bordeaux - December 2022

Tarek's PhD Defense - March 2023 

Special seminar in Chemical Biology @ IECB for the venue of Laura Kiessling - April 2023 

EuChemS, Life Science division YIW, Helsinki, Finland - May 2023 

EuChemS YIW Speaker dinner in Helsinki, Finland - May 2023 

Snow at the Institute - January 2023

Mathilde is the queen of the year "Galette des Rois" - January 2023 

Mathilde's leaving party - February 2023 

Zoeisha's presentation at the "Journée des Entrants" INC CNRS - March 2023 


Frederic's Talk @ ACS Chemical Biology Young Investigators Webinar - September 2022

Frederic's HDR @ IECB in Bordeaux, France - October 2022

Frederic's Talk @ Sorbonne University in Paris, France - November 2022

End of semester course in Organic Chemistry to 2nd year undergraduate students (international group) at the University of Bordeaux - December 2022

Tarek is the king of the year "Galette des Rois" - January 2022 

Frederic's Talk @ 34th JCBS in Toulouse, France - June 2022

Tarek @ The GDR Chemical Biology and 34th JCBS in Toulouse - June 2022

Great to meet Lucie (Alumni student) during conferences, Toulouse - June 2022


Celebrating Epiphany with "Galette des Rois" - January 2021 

Colors make work more enjoyable - February 2021

Lab Christmas party - December 2021

Sent my letter to Santa asking for lots of accepted papers next year :)  December 2021


Celebrating Epiphany with "Galette des Rois" - January 2020 

Our new  rotavapor (Buchi) - January 2020

Virtual Talk @ SFG2020 - Novermber 2020

Lab Christmas party - December 2020


Speaker's dinner for Prof Cerny's Symposium: GJ Boons | R Lipshutz | Frederic | P Kočovský | I Stará | E Kočovská | I Starý | M Kotora | Prague, September 2019

Astronomical Clock at the Old Town Square in Prague - 2019 

Prof Pavel Kočovský in front of the Chemistry Department  of Charles University, Prague -September 2019

Prof M. Černý in Prague - September 2019

Frederic's Talk @ EuroCarb2019 in the "Chemical Biology tools" session

EuroCarb2019 - July 2019 - Leiden, The Netherlands

Camille's PhD Defense June 2019

Lab Party - February 2019


International Chemical Biology Symposium - ICBS2018 - Sept 2018 - Vancouver, Canada

Frederic's Talk @ ICBS2018

David Vocadlo's Talk @ ICBS2018

Jen Kohler's Talk @ ICBS2018

Symposium du Groupe Français des Glycosciences - GFG2018 - May 2018 -  Nouan le Fuzelier, France

Frederic's Talk @ GFG2018

Our new HPLC (Agilent) - 2018

Our new  flash purifier (Buchi) - 2018


European Chemical Biology Symposium - ECBS2017 - July 2017 -  Budapest, Hungary

Flag Ceremony @ ECBS2017

ChemBioChem Award to Zoeisha for best poster @ ECBS2017

Camille at the Symposium on Molecular Architectures for Fluorescent Imaging of Cells - Oct 2017 - Karlsruhe, Germany

Lab Party - June 2017

Rainbow @ IECB - granting all our wishes - December 2017

The Friscourt Lab was highlighted by the University of Bordeaux - 2017 

Our new freeze drier (Labconco) - 2017