Contact us

Frédéric Friscourt, Ph.D.

Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie

2, Rue Robert Escarpit, 33607 Pessac, France


Phone: +33 5 4000 3371

Interesting in joining our group

Postdoctoral Fellows

Outstanding postdoctoral candidates with a background in chemical biology, organic chemistry, or cell biology are invited to apply by sending a cover letter, CV, relevant publications, and contact information for three references to Frederic Friscourt by email.

Graduate Students

Talented graduate students from the University of Bordeaux, department ST or SVS with a background in organic chemistry, or cell biology, who are intersted in joining our lab, are invited to apply by sending a cover letter and CV to Frederic Friscourt by email.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduates who are interested in interdisciplinary research (Chemical Biology) should contact Frederic Friscourt by email with their CV attached.